Brandon X is a graduate of Dorman High School and a native of Spartanburg, SC. Brandon X is a 30 year old, Navy veteran who is passionate about his art and wants to inspire young artists to dream, just as his father and uncle inspired him to paint and draw as a way to express his hurts, joys, and pains.
Recently, Brandon X was inspired to become a youth mentor with the Urban Prosperity Initiative and together, they work to inspire hope to youth in underserved and disadvantaged communities. Through his military experience and working with other organizations, Brandon X has learned a lot about himself and how to use introspection as a way to persevere and overcome any obstacle that he may face, which is done primarily through his art, but by by sharing his story and time with youth.
Although Brandon X is fairly new to the world of art, his work is already making an impact on the community and can be seen in local businesses such as Local Brandon Outfitters in West Gate Mall in Spartanburg.
Donate to support the Urban Prosperity Initiative here!